Temporary Dive

For anyone who follows the likes of offbeat folk musicians, she is a voice worth hearing. Norwegian born Ane Brun’s second album Temporary Dive, is heir to the melancholic sounds of Jeff Buckley with archaic sensibilities of folk musicians like Gillian Welch or Jollie Holland. With song lyrics like: “My friend you left me in the end/I can't believe I'm writing a song/ Where friend rhymes with end,” you think maybe there is some trick she‘s playing in this melanchoholic indulgence, but as soon as the song starts you know that there isn‘t. Her songs have a surface clarity that can evoke affinity to the most unlikely lyric, and before you‘re realizing it, you’re listening to the song on reapeat, and taking yourself very seriously. So if the melodic elegy of her songs doesn’t get you, her voice will – though it might push you deeper into the cushions of your winter hibernation. It’s so artfully done, you won’t mind lingering there for a while.