Bliss Bodice and Bamboozlement Bloomers

That which is covered or veiled in chiffon, silk or lace can intrigue more frequently than the rawly exposed. The scene that continues once the screen fades makes me smile more than any clinical documentation. (Obvious, boring, lacking subtlety...) Also, most agree that some sort of underwear is a practical necessity. Under the Root offers comfortable and charming designs of historically inspired but contemporary coaxing clothing. All items are hand-made, custom, made-to-order vintage reworkings that are not your corporate-endorsed inflatable Stepford silicon lingerie by any stretch of the imagination. And referring to 'clothing' and 'imagination' in the same paragraph is a delightful change. Inspirations include the burlesque, cabaret, can-can (not Cancun), circus, vaudeville (not Victoria's Secret), theater and stage.
I was reminded not only of literature, but also Toulouse-Lautrec's sketches and paintings of the female performers of Montmartre, such as the The Clowness (1895), depicting Cha-U-Kao. Despite their relative rarity in the rings, women have clowned throughout history, from Dorian Mimes in ancient Greece, to the 'Glee Maidens' of Medieval England. The seventeenth century French court jester Mathuine is credited with a joke used in circuses well into the 19th century: she was escorting a woman in to see the King when the lady sneered, “I don't like having a clown on my right side.” Mathuine promptly stepped around her and replied, “I don't mind at all.” I have no doubt that the “Tinker Bloomettes”—flamboyant elaborate pleats of turquoise and magenta—would have flattered her and could also wear well on stage today, or at a more private locale. Drama queens of any gender can invest in some arm spats.
The Bliss Bodice and Bamboozlement Bloomers are made of 'repurposed' butter-yellow ribbed cotton jersey and are trimmed with narrow dove gray lace. The straps are black grosgrain. If you favor petroleum-based buttfloss, that's your business, but if you're looking for something interesting to look at and delightful to wear, seek it 'Under the Root.'
Photo depicts Banniki Bloomettes by Under the Root.
Anything that reminds one of Toulouse-Lautrec's art is good ^_^
thank you thank you thank you for this review! i have been waiting to run across something like this. i love this type of underwear and i'm sick of the foam bra cup junk!