Botanical 2011 Monthly & Weekly Planning Calendar

Upon returning to the United States after living for two years abroad, my partner was particularly giddy about one specific purchase: a cell phone. In the time we'd been in India, smartphones had become commonplace, and my Applephile other half was overjoyed at the idea of being able to sync his Macbook and iPod with a mobile device. Although he valiantly fought for an iPhone, the more cost efficient two-for-one sale on the Droid won out. For my part, I don't give two flips about technosyncage, and I'm not entirely convinced my semi-functional PC can handle that kind of software. I just wanted to be able to easily check my email.
Although I'm moving in the direction of a paperless lifestyle (the Droid is facilitating my newly blossoming love of apps), the process is slow-going. And now that the end of the year is drawing near, I find myself on a search for the perfect new year planner. I'm not high maintenance, but I do have two uncompromising needs: 1) monthly and weekly planning sections and 2) enough space to write in each. Although it sounds like a simple enough request, many planners fail in at least one of these regards, but the Posh Botanical 2011 Monthly & Weekly Planning Calendar has what it takes—and more.
Let me start with the basics. This desk planner is 7 ¼ x 9 ½ inches and comes in four different retro chic designs: Botanical, Flowers & Stars, Circles & Squiggles, and Asters. All have a feminine sensibility without going over the precipice to infantile, a risk one runs with cutesy product aesthetic. An elastic band wraps around the outside of the planner to hold the cover closed, and a single ribbon allows you to easily keep your place. It's utilitarian in form and function.
Once you crack the slick and sturdy cover, you come directly to twelve pages of monthly calendars. This is where I keep track of important dates, like birthdays and holidays, that I need to prepare for in advance. Gift buying shouldn't be a last minute affair, but it ends up as one when you're only going week-by-week. Posh has also helpfully included major U.S. and international holidays, as well as religious celebrations from Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. So, while you won't find the dates for Durga Puja, you will find Ramadan, and I can live with that.
Just past this monthly section are the two-page spreads of fifty-two weeks broken up into an equally spaced seven days. I appreciate that Saturday and Sunday don't get the short end of the stick, as some other planners are apt to extend the size allotted for traditional work week days at the expense of the two on the weekend. But since I work on several projects outside of my proper 9 to 5, I don't want those days relegated to secondary status by giving them a decreased size. I want them to have equal spacial importance. Posh comes through again!
The handful of back pages in the Posh Botanical 2011 Monthly & Weekly Planning Calendar get a little hit or miss, which is to say that they've covered all the bases and not everyone will need everything found here. There are one-page 2010 and 2012 year-long reference calendars, as well as a two-page "2012 Looking Ahead" spread. Six pages are provided for "Names & Addresses," which even I prefer my cell phone to hold, and inclusion of "Emergency Numbers" seems terribly outdated, especially when situated opposite a page for jotting down "Web Sites." Three pages for "Notes" brings up the rear.
I plan to wear this desk planner out next year, and maybe with a little more cajoling, I'll consider making the tech savvier, eco-switch come the year of the Mayan apocalypse. Perhaps by then my PC will have seen its end-of-days and a sync won't seem so scary.