D:tox System

Half a million women in the world die every year from breast cancer. One in eight American women will be diagnosed with some form of breast cancer in her lifetime. Judging from these startling statistics, it’s not difficult to see why corporations that cater to women have begun creating lines of products that support the fight against this disease. Altruism gives you a leg up on the competition.
While Giovanni Organic Body Care’s D:tox System of purifying body care products won’t prevent you from getting breast cancer directly, a portion of the sales of the products involved in this three-step system is donated by the company to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, an organization that funds cancer prevention research.
The D:tox System has three ingredients: Body Wash/Body Bar, Body Scrub, and Body Lotion. If the trio is used properly, the promised results are to provide “a complete purification regimen for mind, body, and soul—and completely touch-worthy skin every day.” With such lofty ambitions, I’m sure you’re wondering what exactly goes into the D:tox System.
The Body Wash/Body Bar uses charcoal and volcanic ash to clean oils and dirt from pores while replenishing your skin’s nutrition with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from purifying acai and goji berry extracts. The Body Scrub is made of similar ingredients, and does what most scrubs do: it exfoliates to polish away surface grime and bacteria. The Body Lotion is the final part of this equation. Once the skin is fully clean, it needs a little moisture to maintain a smooth softness and healthy glow.
I did a dietary detox once a few years ago. A woman at my local health food co-op explained the process to me: replace food with a mixture of juices for five days. Instead of feeling physically renewed, I ended up with a terrible migraine brought on by caffeine withdrawal, but I stuck it out before reverting back to my old eating habits. I’m not sure the D:tox System resulted in the purification of my mind or soul, but it did the trick for my body. It also allowed me to continue my copious coffee consumption—and, really, that's the most important part.