Edge and Fold

Paul Hoover, author of Edge and Fold, amazes his readers with postmodern poetry. His newest work is a compilation is separated into two poems: "Edge and Fold" and "The Reading." Hoover carefully crafts couplets which express time, distance, vision, pop culture, and daily life.
His ideas expand and evolve with the turning of each page. However, in postmodern terms, anything goes. This is the beauty of his work such as in his lines “Miles Davis unfulfilled/his notes heartbreakingly/always on the edge/of breaking down completely/all true things are song/a weave unweaving.” His lyrical words run parallel to Davis’s notes as they echo into time. The quick, clean, constructions maneuver readers quickly to relish vivid lines as “Within the linear forest, /at the edge of all scatter, /beyond recognition/but coming into focus, /where color folds and/dust resists the garden, /a fruit tree stands--/dots and dashes.” Again, the poet illustrates a change from a wider perspective to a more refined one. The notion of a rising aerial view summons a clearer and definite picture.
His couplets are precise, magical, and alluring to the eye, intellect, and ear. Through pith, Hoover asks questions, sometimes describes circumstances, but never closes ideas for the readers.