English Grammar Journal

The first thing I wanted to do when I pulled this wonderful journal out of its envelope was practice my English skills. Well, not really, but the lovely vintage cover and whimsical page inserts from what seems like old English textbooks throughout the journal convinced me that I did. The blank pages just scream to be be written on, and the way the journal is put together makes that as convenient as possible. The journal is small enough to fit in my purse (although I do carry large bags), but the hard cover and spiral binding ensure that it’s easy enough to write in anywhere, from at home to on the bus to out on the town, if you so desire.
Not often does a journal come along that is so easy to use and also so good-looking, but Ex-Libris Anonymous has done a great job of combining the two. Not only that, but the journals are handmade, which really ensures their quality. Whether you’re writing your innermost thoughts, notes at work, or something creative, this journal is perfect for you.
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I like your english grammar blog. It's a good blog for learn english grammar
Hi..So....where i can get the journal Logan?Best regard Vianif you wish to reply me at fiangpku@yahoo.co.idthanks