Every Light Must Fade

Sometimes it seems the best things in life are those that we accidentally stumble across on a whim, or on the way to something else. That certainly seems to be the case for many of the items I’ve reviewed items for this blog. Case in point, I happened to find the name of this album appealing, Every Light Must Fade, and after listening to a few tracks, I realized I’d found something special.
I challenged myself to not write which singer or band F&M reminds me of—a natural tendency of mine when I write music reviews. What I will say is that when I listen to certain tracks on this album, I feel like I’m really “in the moment”—something I have a hard time achieving, even in meditation. Track three, “Stuttering Boy,” is one of my favorite tracks on the album. I’ll admit that I’m partial to the songs that feature Becky Anderson on vocals. There’s a pure honesty to her voice that combined with the poetry of the lyrics seems to pierce right to the heart of the matter:
…Quivering lips, quivering lips Will you just rest, rest, rest, oh and leave all the rest to me. Cause this world can be shaky, oh this world can be shaky oh some of the time…
If I were forced to place this band in a musical genre, I suppose it would be folk rock, but any category or label seems limiting for a band that is truly a breath of fresh air. Another favorite track of mine is “There Really is A Meaning to the Title of this Song” that features Becky and Ryan Anderson on vocals:
You are a backyard barbecue with an ocean closing in a dream Heaven help us we’re sinners one and all. Call my cousin he’s in jail but not the real kind. I’m talkin’ about the one in your brain as he’s
dancing circles in a fake Irish pub. Making faces at the clergy in the back. He’s a drunk who thunk and sunk his future plans…
Hailing from Alberta, Canada, this band has a unique sound that you won’t find anywhere else—and that’s a good thing.
Happy 2010 to you as well :)
Thank you Gita for your kind comments. Happy 2010! Becky F&M www.fandmtheband.com