Girl Crush: Women's Erotic Fantasies

Truthfully, I wasn’t expecting to like Girl Crush. I wasn’t expecting well written girl-on-girl erotica. I wasn’t expecting to have my breath taken away.
My first crush was Elizabeth; she was my assigned seventh grade science lab partner. She was so beautiful that I was embarrassed to sit by her. I spent the whole semester in awe, watching her when she wasn’t looking, trying to talk to her, longing to touch her. I was smitten. I dreamed about being her friend, holding her hand, going to sleepovers together, and kissing her. I wanted to be just like her: beautiful, mysterious, alluring, and anything else she wanted me to be. She was the one constant in my sexual awakening; the girl I always had a crush on and the more I learned about what I wanted, the more I wanted her.
I never expected to see those feelings in print, but the stories in Girl Crush capture that extraordinary mix of longing and awe that comprise a crush on a girl. These writers know exactly what it is to be consumed by desire, to be overtaken by lust and envy. The characters experience the held breath, the tentative gesture, the sidelong glances, the profound hope that somehow, you will get to see this girl naked. These stories do not disappoint; the girls do get naked. The sex is wonderfully explicit and the details show that this is not just about sex, it’s about wish fulfillment. The hottest dreams made real, getting to do what you’d only imagined.
If you’ve ever had a girl crush, these stories will grab you and not let you go until you’ve turned the last page. Whether you’ve wanted a friend, a colleague, or a customer, this collection has a story for everyone. It’s a sexy reader for those still lusting from afar and a wash of memory for those lucky enough to have had their dreams come to fruition. If you’re like me, you’ll close the book just long enough to reopen it at the beginning.
As for Elizabeth, no, I never got to kiss her. We keep in touch and twenty-five years later, I’m still hoping to see her naked.
Great review! And that last paragraph is fantastic :)