Hip Tranquil Chick: A Guide to Life On and Off the Yoga Mat

I don’t know about you, but for me, being a girl today is hard work. The stress of relationships, working, trying to stay healthy, managing a meager financial budget and just trying to figure out what to do with the rest of your life is strenuous and draining work for the body, mind and spirit. Luckily, Kimberly Wilson’s Hip Tranquil Chick is the modern girl’s guide to feeling strong, chic and ready to take on the world.
In this book, Wilson breaks down the philosophy of yoga and how it can be applied to enrich your everyday life—on and off the mat. On the mat, Wilson provides basic poses and sequences, such as “Healing Hip Openers” and “Energizing Sun Salutes,” that help you find strength and tranquility. Off the mat, Wilson lays out strategies to help you find your personal style, find your dream job, create positive energy at home and work, manage your money sensibly and nurture your social consciousness. Through the colorful illustrations, creative tips and specific tasks, Wilson provides the tools for you to find your inner “hip tranquil chick;” they will give you the power to transform concepts into action. After reading this book, you will realize that the basic principles of yoga offer you not only a plethora of physical benefits, but also a way of life. Wilson provides the modern girl with the ability to envision her future and help her take tangible steps (with excellent posture) towards achieving those goals.
This book is a must read for any modern girl looking for some perspective in this chaotic world, but please, take this one suggestion… read it slowly. With its wealth of information, this book can be slightly overwhelming. Wilson’s “hip tranquil chick” needs to find her personal style, create an awesome feng-shui room and, perhaps, even save the world. These things cannot be achieved after one quick read of this book. No, this book deserves to be read slowly. Soak in its richness. Take the time to seriously consider and understand every “tranquil tip,” “OMwork” assignment and inspirational quote. Take the time to master each chapter and section. Slowly follow the beautiful path that any girl, from the novice to the most experienced “yogini,” can follow in order to find and exude her “inner hip tranquil chick.” Namaste.
Note: If you want more Kimberly Wilson, check out her blog. There are some pretty interesting podcasts you should check out where she interviews other women doing great work. There is also information on book signings, retreats, and how to throw your own “hip tranquil chick” soirée.
actually, the studio is called Tranquil Space at 2024 P St.
And a note for those in the DC area:Kimberly Wilson is the owner and manager of a yoga studio called Flow Yoga on P Street, NW, just off Dupont Circle. --Lacey D.