Kiss The Sky

_“I don’t believe in the devil anymore. But if I did, he would look a lot like Ari Malcolm Klein.” _
This is how Farai Chideya draws her readers into her mesmerizing, charismatic novel Kiss The Sky. Sophie Maria Clare Lee, a Black girl from blue collar Baltimore, remakes herself by applying and being accepted to attend Harvard. By the time the novel opens, Sophie has graduated, married Ari Klein, toured America as part of an indie rock band, and is divorced.
Ten years later Sophie has made a career as a music television host in New York City, but she is tired of the work and decides to become the newest female pop star. The talent and drive are present to aid in her success. The catch—there is always a catch—is she begins to play music with Ari Klein again. A complicated triangle is completed when Leo Masters, her manager, is drawn into her new self-made stardom.
Is Sophie’s fame worth her faith, family and friendships?
Farai Chideya spent many years covering music and pop culture. Her knowledge is evident in the smooth way this intricate story unfolds. My love of music was fed by this novel, and one of my favorite parts of the book is the Play Lists included in the back. Whether you are a lover of pop music or not, this imaginatively rich novel is a must read. I loved adding it to my bookshelf.