Lesbian Connection
Lesbian Connection is a ‘zine published out of East Lansing, Michigan. The reader base isn’t immediately apparent, though after one read through it might be assumed that the ‘zine is geared towards older, white lesbians. It opens with a brief introduction and some “housekeeping” items and updates. Readers can then dive right in to articles submitted by readers. The ‘zine goes on to offer a list of “contact dykes,” who are lesbians around the country and other parts of the world that welcome calls, e-mails and letters from other lesbians looking for information about their particular parts of the globe. My fellow Illinois readers might be interested to know that two contact dykes are listed for our fair state, one in Chicago and one in Rock Island.
The majority of the ‘zine is filled with letters and “bits and pieces” from readers, as well as an extensive classified section with hundreds of e-mail addresses, website URLs and mailing addresses for everything from business opportunities to real estate and accommodation ideas for the traveling lesbian. The most affecting section of the ‘zine is “Passings.” This section offers readers the opportunity to eulogize their friends and loved ones whom have passed. With photos included, these obituaries are much more detailed and personal than what was most likely printed in the local papers.
The densely packed ‘zine can be a bit overwhelming, and its contents are scattered, but, overall, Lesbian Connection is just that; an opportunity for lesbians to connect. In a world so busy and with so much to divide us, it’s nice to know that there is a circulating ‘zine that strives to provide a connection.