In Advance of the Broken Arm

Who wouldn't be interested in listening to a female musician who is described as playing guitar better than “you, or me or probably ninety-nine percent of the people who have ever looked at a guitar?" From the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Marnie Stern was signed to Kill Rock Stars after sending in a demo tape. In Advance of the Broken Arm is Marnie Stern's debut album and includes songs she wrote in her bedroom over a two year period, with production and drum work by Zach Hill.
Marnie Stern certainly does shred. After receiving the album, I did what I usually do with new music. I listen to it sitting. I listen to it while I bustle around the city. I listen to it when I am feeling tired, and when I am full of energy. In Advance of the Broken Arm satisfied me in each of these listens. Her music is so rip roaringly catchy that you can't help but move your body to it in some way. There are layers of guitar work that compliment well her riot grrrl-like voice. My favorite aspect of the album is the lyrics; they are simple, but beautifully poetic.
On one of my favorite tracks, “Patterns of a Diamond Ceiling,” Marnie sings, “I am not looking to find a pot of gold” and “the picture in my head is my reward.” I would say the picture she creates in this album could be your reward if you take a listen.