Mo’ Mega

At first listen Mo’ Mega’s bellicose sound seems somewhat uninviting. I thought it so heavy handed that it lost intricacy. I was wrong. Everything is intentional, from aggressive baselines to biting political criticism to the frustrated laments of a hardworking emcee. Lif’s lyrics aren’t afraid to get dirty, whether by treading on the Bush administration or describing the sexual exploits of a much-anticipated rendezvous. He isn’t sugarcoating anything, but then again has Lif ever? Mo’ Mega hosts a few guests, namely Aesop Rock, Blueprint, and Murs, with 8 tracks produced by El-P. Overall, El-P is effective to say the least. He splices gritty industrial sound with rock accents and heavy, driving beats. However, though his sound is unique, it becomes somewhat uniform from track to track. Where he really shines is on "Brothaz" and "The Fries." Decidedly, the most interesting song on the album, "Brothaz" combines searing accusations concerning the social conditioning of young black males and an absolutely ridiculous beat. Often times loaded lyrics are reserved for more minimal tracks, but these rhymes could cut glass. You’re gonna hear ‘em whether they’re spit over Beethoven’s 5th or a jack in the box. Lif once again asserts himself as one of the most informed and talented emcees out there. "The Fries" dictates the deterioration of our fast food nation, gruesomely dramatizing our cardiological plight. Watch out for the break about two minutes in, it bangs so hard you may experience a little cardiological plight of your own.