off our backs:the feminist newsjournal (Women and Fundamentalisms)
off our backs has been published continuously since 1970. These people know what they’re doing. Their position as such a long-running magazine gives them authority. The journal provides irrefutable evidence that women are being brutally oppressed in the United States and around the world. The cover of volume xxxvi, number 3 asks, “Is there room in heaven for women?” and focuses on the damage being done by the religious right—all of the religious right, not just Christians—and how the religious right functions through misogyny. Article after article reinforces the same chilling theme: institutions meant for the spiritual betterment of all people are actually destroying lives.
The reading is heavy, engaging and disturbing. I found myself having to set the magazine aside from time to time to process the information. Many of the news items convey facts about which I had been entirely ignorant.
off our backs is printed on newsprint, and the ads are relegated to a section in the back, which means you only have to see them if you want to - a welcomed concession. It can be trusted as a comprehensive source for bringing you important feminist news and opinion. It’s appropriate and challenging reading for every feminist.