Rosemary Body Lotion

A Spanish proverb states, "Where rosemary thrives the mistress is master." I've had to give up gardening, but perhaps I should keep a pot of rosemary in the kitchen. Folklore states that it's an aid to memory, with a half-dozen antioxidant compounds. An abortifacient in high doses, it mitigates capillary weakness and rosemary leaf was approved for dyspepsia, high blood pressure, and rheumatism by the German Commission E at doses of four to six grams a day. The scent is also clean and bracing.
The label assures me that this lotion is paraben-free and contains essential oils that improve mental clarity, relieve muscle soreness, and combat fatigue. I'd better get a vat. I'll go through the eight ounces the moment that cold weather hits, rest assured, and the rich herbal scent of the rosemary seems winter-appropriate. It also has peppermint and eucalyptus.
I love instructions on self-care products. The shampoo standard is 'Rinse. Repeat.' True to its name, Pharmacopia details 'Therapeutic Uses,' including when, where, and how to apply the lotion as opposed to the simple: “Rub it on you.” Of the twenty-eight listed ingredients, I can recognize well over ninety percent—an encouraging ratio. Palm oil is among the components, and last year Pharmacopia joined with other companies in lobbying for sustainable palm oil products. The other plant extracts are certified organic. It applies without a greasy feel, and the scent is long lasting. Recommended for soreness after workouts, or general aches and pains.