Pom-Pom Makeup Bag

Michelle Kline (aka SNAP design) is a master of minimalist design. She takes an ordinary object (in this case a makeup bag) and makes it fabulous by adding a little hint of detail while also relying on the color palate to speak to one's aesthetic preference. And you know what? It works for me.
These little pom-pom flowers are cutesy, but not too cutesy. I'm not really the kind of girl that uses a makeup bag, but this could make for a quite fashionable clutch purse as well at just 5.5 x 8 inches, and the smaller size (4 x 5 inches), Kline deems as a change purse. This bag could be used to store those little 3 fl oz bottles of shampoo or whatever other liquid you're trying to smuggle onto an airplane these days. Instead of worrying about the contents of the bottles, the scanner will be transfixed by the design.
Okay, so I'm being a bit cliché, but you know you like it. And if you don't like it, Kline has a whole host of other crafty carriers for you to choose from, including the très chic pod wallet for none other than your trusty iPod (or another mp3 player, but does anyone really have something other than an iPod these days?). It's no wonder she's been featured in Bust, Allure, Teen Vogue, and Daily Candy. SNAP design is a fashionista's dream, especially if that fashionista is a feminist of the pop variety. So pop on to her website chicas (and chicos)!