The Longest Day of the Year

It’s as if The Cure went acoustic, frontrunning the band with the softest sounds of feminine chanteusery. The Reverse is a twosome composed of vocalistic guitarist Tara Emelye Needham and drummer Todd “Todbot” Karasick. Born in Long Island, The Reverse migrated to New York City, as talents tend to do. Unaffected, feet-shuffling wanderings best describe the tone and tunes of this debut album, making one reasons, perhaps, why it is entitled The Longest Day of the Year. Needham’s voice is so delicate and gentle that the duo’s well-scribed lyrics hide behind overpowering guitar and percussion attacks. “Moon shines down/Tambourine round/Little Dipper dives into Orion/Pointing our way to the horizon,” Needham mouths cutely, yet inaudibly.
I elect this album suitable for rainy-day background music and after the break-up or just before the make-up.