Sexual Chocolate Lava Gloss

There has always been a certain dilemma around buying flavored lip gloss. On one hand, who doesn’t want their lips to taste like dessert, but on the other, who wants to seem like a pre-teen Bonne Bell fan? Kristine’s Shower has solved that dilemma with their delectable Lava Gloss. The flavor I tried was Sexual Chocolate, a somewhat silly name for a wonderful product. The gloss comes out through a roller top, but unlike most other roller glosses, Lava Gloss doesn’t leave your lips excessively shiny or sticky. Instead, it is enhanced with Vitamin E, so Lava Gloss hydrates and leaves your lips as smooth as any balm might. The gloss tastes and smells remarkably like chocolate brownies, so it’s a good thing that you can apply over and over again! When you turn the tube upside down, the two colors of the gloss flow against each other much like a lava lamp, thus the name. Kristine’s Shower’s Lava Gloss is a tasty, moisturizing, eye-catching little gloss, one that I can’t wait to taste more flavors of. It’s definitely recommended for those who want a little more flavor in their lip gloss!