Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt: Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart

Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf have written a fun and strange manual that teaches us how we can unlock the secrets of the New Age teachings with the help of the shamanic Egyptian mysteries.
In addition to an array of beautiful illustrations, the authors have effectively organized the book into three parts. The first two contain instructions on performing rites of passage and meditations with a little help from our friends, the always accessible primary divine entities of prehistoric Egypt. The third section focuses on the four elements: water, earth, fire and air. The best part is a super-cool glossary of the gods, each with whom I connected for drinks at various stages while reading. I must say that while I got on well with them all, my favorite has to be Sekhmet because she "helps us to shape-shift into our future selves." And after turning into a hot pink unicorn, who could ask for anything more?
As we read this book our consciousness and awareness grow more deeply, but perhaps never as deeply as the weirdness of the rituals. Although I admit that being placed in a sarcophagus to undergo an initiation sounds like tremendous fun, having to surrender my DNA to a god's or goddess's will is bit much. Don't get me wrong, I am sure this was perfectly fine in the good old days, but now who the hell knows where your genes might end up?
In essence, Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt: Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart is a nice read. And while some pages left me as bored as the Great Sphinx has been since the Bronze Age, it would be a good $16 mind trip into mystical Egypt for anyone who's ever pondered about Isis, Osiris and their many pals.