Shea Butter Body Sorbet

Winter has delivered its annual plague of cracked heels for many of us. On the day I received this product, one of my heels had begun to crack despite my religious use of other products to prevent that problem. This sorbet (a much more fun word than lotion or cream), used along with another product from Kristine’s Shower, the Shea Butter Body Frosting, took care of that heel in about four days. It’s smooth, light and absorbs well into the skin. The only minor disappointment was in the scent – “Blackberry Blast.” The smell of other ingredients overpowered it just a bit. The result wasn’t unpleasant, just not memorable. Despite this, I am sold on this product and will order some from the website as soon as I catch up from the holidays. I was pleased to note that the label gives the buyer the estimated shelf life of this product – three months – which is quite reasonable for a four ounce jar ($4) of this great skin product.