Elevate Difference

Shea Butter Gift Set

Packaged in a cute bag, this little gift set arrived smelling great! After a long week at work, a few hours pampering were needed, and this set delivered a great scent and relaxation. Better than the scent is the feeling of soft and smooth skin that comes after a bath using the Botanical Bath Salts, a product that left this woman feeling great. Best of all, this is an all-natural product made from homegrown herbs and natural oils—no preservatives, synthetics or byproducts.

A spa experience in a bag, I started out running my bath with the Botanical Bath Salts. The tiny beads melt quickly into the water, leaving a relaxing bath that ended only when the water grew cold! The Patchouli and Orange Soap left a clean aroma on my body. It has a slightly gritty feel, exfoliating as it cleans and refreshes. The smell of this soap outweighs any that I have purchased in the past, each time I enter my bathroom I can vaguely smell patchouli, and I am loving it! Also of note, these products did not leave a ring around my tub!

I ended my experience by applying the Lavender Body Balm and, after a deep sigh, found myself ready to fall asleep relaxed and smelling great! The balm is thick and powerful, which left me feeling a bit greasy, but put moisture in my skin that was needed after a harsh winter in the Northeast.

The mother and daughter team that have dreamed up these wonderful products is to be commended. They have created a product that is useful, natural and feminine without compromising quality. They have reasonable prices and fast shipping! I highly recommend visiting their site today and finding out more about these great products—and more!

Written by: Angie Dobson, May 21st 2007