Truth Belt: The Westie

As more companies are becoming earth and animal-friendly, and the DIY movement has seen resurgence in the past few years, I have been on the lookout for a good selection of quality vegan belts. I’ve encountered a lot of hemp and vinyl belts, and even some belts made out of bicycle inner tubes, but I still haven’t found one company that offers a wide variety of both classy and funky vegan belts. Enter: Truth Belts.
Truth is an animal-friendly accessory company based in Canada. Started by Renia Pruchinicki in 2001, who originally started making belts from non-leather material, Truth began as a side project in making long-lasting belts from vegan material grew into a full-time business. Her business website also hosts an informative links page in which readers can find businesses, groups, journals, magazines, and other vegan and vegetarian-friendly information.
The belt that I was sent to review is from the hemp-woven line of belts. This particular design is called The Westie. The belt is constructed of polyurethane with a navy blue and khaki colored woven hemp outer layer. The buckle is an antique nickel color, and the whole thing looks wonderful with a pair of jeans. I’ve been wearing the belt around for the past month, and nothing about it has started to fall apart. It’s a very well designed vegan belt, and I’m excited to have another vegan clothing accessory in my life to prove to my friends that you can look good without having to wear parts of animals.
Aside from the casual woven belts, Truth also makes fake-leather looking classy belts, as well as funky elastic belts with argyle, stripes, and plaid designs. Truth also hosts a line of fashionable wrist cuffs and belts for kids.
Overall, I’m very satisfied with my vegan belt, and will probably buy some of Truth’s other belts for friends and relatives. Aside from supporting a company that promotes veganism, I’m also happy to be supporting a business started and run by one hard-working woman.