
Unmentionables is a striking collection of bold, in-your-face poetry that covers a variety of subjects using a type of broken-up and eclectic writing style. I found the poetry somewhat confusing, and though they focused on ordinary topics, like animals and nature, It was challenging to discern what they were all about. There were a couple of poems that caught my interest, however.
“The Souvenir” seemed more loving, real, and down to earth then many of the other poems because the storyline was clear. This poem is about a couple taking a trip on a train. It tells of how the couple feels about what they encounter on their journey. They come across as newlyweds who want to stay together forever; however, they can’t seem to find any sanctuary from other people. The poem describes the people they see, the atmosphere on the train, and how they cuddle up together as they travel to their destination. I was able to understand what the couple was feeling because the sentiment is safe and familiar.
Another poem that struck me is “Because People Ask What My Daughter Will Think of My Poems When She’s 16.” As a writer and mother, I could relate to this poem, as I have a teenage son and the author's feelings are familiar: sadness when your child no longer needs you, the contempt and rebellion that radiates from them. I have felt similarly while trying to understand and raise my son.
The “Kudzu Chronicles Number 6” is another enjoyable entry. This poem talks about the longing for a lost mother. It is emotionally touching and evokes stunning images and loving thoughts through the use of death, weather, and nature. I can relate to this poem on several levels. People have a weird connection with death, but also fear it in many regards. The imagery of nature is soothing and brings reality to the piece.
The poems in Unmentionables offer different stories from the author’s soul. Many of her poems are bold, daring, and detailed. Despite my confusion, I was able to find work in this collection I could relate to, and that is a sign of a good writer!