Women at Work

Women at Work did not, thank God, spin me back to 1982, the year in which I had to stop wearing my favorite wide-necked cotton t-shirt with the rainbow of teal, red and forest green behind a cartoon unicorn in repose because a certain biology class substitute teacher complimented me on it repeatedly in front of everyone and made me feel ‘ooky.’ And I was 12! Gross!
Although an acoustic flavor pervades this tribute to those vegemite eaters of the early eighties, it’s okay to remember a band that was mostly about having fun, particularly if one considers the continuing pink-collar ghettoization and pay disparities of _actual _women at work. And these are the afflictions of the privileged in developed nations, never mind global working conditions and human trafficking, all things that would make any reasonable individual chunder.
Sigh. Get this CD if you want to remember a perhaps pleasantly nostalgia-inducing act through the vocal stylings of some lovely, Australian nightingales. You could listen to it as you soak in a tub with a little eucalyptus oil after a tough day, yes, at work.