Reviews by Breanne Fahs
Breanne Fahs is an assistant professor of women and gender studies at Arizona State University and a practicing clinical psychologist based in Phoenix, Arizona. Her work has been published in numerous academic journals, including Feminist Studies, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Feminism & Psychology, Frontiers, Sexualities, and Journal of Bisexuality. Her forthcoming book, Performing Sex: The Making and Unmaking of Women’s Erotic Lives will be released July 2011 with SUNY Press and examines post-sexual-revolution crises of women’s sexuality like faking orgasms, performing as bisexual at parties, the development of female Viagra, and masochistic sexual fantasy. Aside from teaching and writing about radicalism, hate speech, gender and race theory, and sexuality, she enjoys hating Facebook, plotting to organize against Arizona’s right-wing nutjobs, and fleeing to the Appalachian mountains whenever possible.