Reviews by Chella Quint
Chella Quint is a comedy writer, artist and performer originally from New York but now living in Sheffield, England. She writes and edits the zines Adventures in Menstruating and Chart Your Cycle with her wife, Sarah Thomasin, and is one half of The Venns with her comedy writing partner, Jow. As well as contributing to Elevate Difference, she has also written articles for Subtext Magazine, GirlFuture, and The Guardian Arts Blog.
Excerpts from her zines have been included in several anthologies in the US and the UK, and her cover designs have appeared in Time Out London, Plan B, and Fairlady magazines, and in the upcoming book Fanzines by Teal Triggs. Chella’s ad-busting comedy femcare graphics were recently featured, along with a discussion of her comedy activism work, in New Blood: Third-Wave Feminism and the Politics of Menstruation by Chris Bobel,
Chella’s live work includes performances as the Stand Up Columnist at venues around Sheffield, annual Adventures in Menstruating Roadshows, and sketch- and improv-based comedy in her free time.