Reviews by Noemi Martinez
Noemi Martinez is a writer/poet radical single mami media maker living in the militarized borderland of Mexico/Texas, known as the Rio Grande Valley. A Chicana/Boricua Chicago native, she has lived in Texas most of her life. She works as a legal advocate for immigrant survivors of domestic abuse. Her writing has appeared in numerous print and online magazines, zines and collections. She writes the zine "Hermana, Resist" and edits the zine “Finding Gloria” and “nos/otras” as well as the zine “Voces” under the Voices Against Violence project. She organized the first Mujerfest Festival in 2004 and again in 2008. She created CAFÉ (Community Activists for Equality) and was instrumental in establishing the Gloria Anzaldua Legacy Project in South Texas. She is learning to embrace the title of healer and non-traditional teacher. She writes about everything under the sun at