Elevate Difference

Reviews by Sharon R. Cole

Divorce Songs

With a title like Divorce Songs, I expected the music on this album to represent feelings of separation or disunion, and United States did not disappoint. The Brooklyn post-punk band, which is likened to Fugazi, Cursive and Sonic Youth, presents eight jagged anthems about struggling and surviving in the city.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich:The Revolution of Everyday Lunch

It’s everything a good grilled cheese sandwich should be—crunchy around the edges, lightly grilled, completely saturated and, of course, very cheesy. I mean this in a good way when describing this film, written and directed by Jonathan Culp who is co-founder of the Toronto Video Activist Collective.

Protecting Women and Animals

As we enter into a year-and-a-half or so of political mayhem leading up to the Presidential election, we’re sure to hear a lot about top issues pertaining to women voters. Among them: healthcare. And while the issue of animal rights might not be specifically mentioned at the top of the list, it might as well be. After all, animal rights issues have a lot to do with healthcare—more specifically, women’s healthcare. If you’re not sure about this, take a look at Fem_Fatalities_.com. A very credible, robust, and thorough site dedicated to protecting women and animals.