Elevate Difference

Reviews by Steve Watson

True Norwegian Black Metal

Photographer Peter Beste spent seven years researching this book, including thirteen visits to Norway where he photographed and interviewed the musicians who are his subject. The result is a photojournalistic epic that looks and reads like crime fiction. The meat of _True Norwegian Black Metal _is the pictures, mostly black and white. Band members dress like demons or corpses, splattering their faces with black and white stage makeup. They wear bullet belts, spiked armbands, and rags or leather gear designed to look like burial garb or battle armor.

Georgia's Frontier Women : Female Fortunes in a Southern Colony

I found this book difficult to read. I am not used to the academic tone Marsh uses. His sentences seemed to go on for several lines, and I had trouble following the thread of his ideas. However, this book is worth reading for anyone interested in Georgia history. The information presented is important. The book shows women's economic contributions and status, and how the things early settlers did have affected the state up until the present day. Georgia was founded in 1732 by a charter of King George II. He appointed a group of trustees to supervise its settlement.

Live At Oslo Jazz Festival

Overall this is a good album. It is unlike anything else I've heard. There is some heavy political content here. I admit it was lost on me. I am not very political and, anyway, I could not understand most of the lyrics. I can read the song titles, though. There is one song called "Capitalism Stole My Virginity." It does not take much insight to know what that's about. The song is a wild free for all, with shifting tempos and a cacophony of horns and percussion. Most of the songs are the same way. The lead singer puts out a lot of energy and passion. He never slows down or lets up.

Atlantis: Hymns for Disco

This is an impressive record. k-os is a rapper from Trinidad, who was raised in Toronto. His name stands for “Knowledge of Self.” The songs on this album steer clear of typical commercial hip-hop posturing. There is no talk of guns, gang violence or misogyny. In fact, on "The Rain," he openly reveals his pain over lost love. k-os' honesty and workmanship shine through on every number.

She Rocked Me

I wanted to like this album. I like rock and roll, and The Fury is a straightforward rock and roll band. Perhaps the songs are too straightforward, which explains my failure to really enjoy the work. There are no surprises here. Each song sounds like what one would expect from a bar band. The vocalist has a slightly bluesy, weathered voice with little in the way of range. The guitar breaks are short and predictable, with a muddied sound. The songs deal with very basic topics - failed relationships, life on the road, and general angst. The production is good.

Out of the Ashes

Shelley Morningsong is a singer, songwriter, guitarist and flutist. On [Out of the Ashes](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HT3KZG?ie=UTF8&tag=feminrevie-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000HT3KZG) she proclaims her Northern Cheyenne heritage as a source of pride and strength. There are thirteen tracks. The first song, "Sweet Protector," is an upbeat pop/rock number. "Sing for Them" honors Morningsong's ancestors and utilizes tribal drums, as do some of the other songs. The merging of traditional styling with modern pop convention makes for a unique sound.

Woman of Ill Fame

Nora Simms is a prostitute who comes to San Francisco in 1848, during the Gold Rush. She starts as a "crib girl," working in a row house with several other prostitutes. One of Nora's aims is to work in a parlor house. Parlor houses are more upscale bordellos, frequented by men with more education than the miners Nora serviced. To achieve this goal, Nora begins speaking with a fake French accent. She takes lessons from another crib girl and meets a professor who sweeps her off her feet. Nora also wins the affections of Abe, a gentle, mildly retarded man.