Elevate Difference

Reviews tagged color

Aromaleigh Make-Up

When Bette Davis was entering her later years, she said something to the effect of, “I will not retire while I’ve still got my legs and my make-up box.” Bette, like a lot of us gals, knew the importance of quality make-up and what role it can play in our everyday lives. I savor my ten minute make-up sessions because it’s one of a few moments each day that I can actually be alone with my thoughts and prepare myself for what may come.

When She Was White: The True Story of a Family Divided By Race

It would be hard to find a story more inherently dramatic than that of Sandra Laing, one that can show in a more complete and complex manner the ramifications of South Africa’s apartheid regime. With coloring distinctly different from that of her white family, Sandra Laing was expelled from her white school in 1965 and reclassified as “coloured” (of mixed-race descent), then, after her family engaged in legal battle, was made ‘white” once again; in the throes of this conflict, at the age of fifteen, Laing fell in love and ran away with a black man, with whom she had several children.

Devine Color: When Color Sings

What do you do when the taupe couch you loved in the store looks green when you combine it with the other furnishings in your living room? Before you return the couch to the store, read Devine Color: When Color Sings by Gretchen Schauffler. In Devine Color, Schauffler educates readers about color and the effects it has on home décor. Her goal is to help her readers appreciate the beauty of their surroundings.