The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

The one most important thing I can say about this book is "Read it!" As a fan of Barack Obama since reading his 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, I was thrilled to see his new book, The Audacity of Hope on the New York Times Bestseller list.
The Audacity of Hope is the first political book I've read in awhile that doesn't point fingers, seek to destroy or make divisive "us v. them" statements. Instead, it turns the reader's attention to the similarities and common values that Americans share regardless of their political persuasions. The further you break down an issue, the closer you get to the core values that unite us, and Senator Barack Obama explains the necessity of understanding opposing views in order to find common-ground solutions. But his is more than just a spirit of compromise; it is audacious hope, which he learned to apply to his own faith and character from a sermon he heard in his own church. "It's easy to be cynical," Obama said during a recent book-tour appearance, "but what requires risk is hope."
The intensity and wise words are pure Obama, as is the message of cooperation. This is not to say he has stepped away from his democratic ideals, but he calls to task the strategies and policies of those who deserve it be they Republican or Democrat. One difference he touches on is that between the traditional conservatism that espouses temperance and restraint and the so-called "compassionate conservatism" that has been driving the policy debate of the past six years. Obama characterizes the George W. Bush brand of conservatism at the core of today's GOP as "absolutism."
"There is the absolutism of the free market, an ideology of no taxes, no regulation, no safety net—indeed no government beyond what's required to protect private property and provide for the national defense. There's the religious absolutism...and there is the absolute belief in the authority of majority will... a disdain for those institutional checks (the Courts, the Constitution, the press, the Geneva Conventions, the rules of the Senate, or the traditions governing redistricting."
He also describes the Democratic Party as having becoming one of reaction, and believes that Democratic activists who "pursue a more sharply partisan and ideological strategy" in an attempt to keep up with Republicans misapprehend the moment we're in. In his encounters among ordinary citizens, Obama imagines "...they are waiting for a politics with the maturity to balance idealism and realism."
In addition to partisanship, Obama offers his thoughts on values, the Constitution, politics, opportunity, faith, race, the global picture and family. The point is not to solve every problem with a magic wand although he does offer sensible suggestions which could clearly jumpstart real solutions. The point is that we, as a nation, can solve problems and we can start by listening to, learning from and respecting each other's views. His deference to our solidarity as these United States of America is infectious.
HMM, compromise only means nobody gets what they want. A president cannot be that way. I want a man that is decisive, and is not governed by polls or committees. I'd rather have a guy that makes a decision, based on the information available, then goes with it. If he's wrong, he must be man enough to admit that, too. That we haven't had...well I can't remember ever having a politician admit flat out that he was wrong and stand up to take whatever comes. I'd sure like to see that, but frankly I think Hillary has more balls that Obama. What's with this guy's silly name anyway? The first thing his handlers should have done is changed his name. Barack? sounds like somebody barfing, then saying, in a drunken slur, "Oh, boma"