Elevate Difference

Reviews of Three Rivers Press

The Gerbil Farmer’s Daughter

Holly Robinson begins this book by saying that, essentially, this is a story she has never told. That this is a story she didn’t want to talk about. I am so glad she did. I am not much for holding back information about my own life and it is completely unfathomable to me how anyone could manage to grow up with a father who raised, became an expert on, and built an empire out of gerbils.

Female Nomad and Friends: Tales of Breaking Free and Breaking Bread Around the World

I love reading essay collections. For a voracious reader without much free time, the ability to pick up a book, read a few self-contained pages that pack a punch, and go on to the next task is so rewarding. And unlike reading blog posts, I don’t feel the need to comment or otherwise let the author know that I was there. Female Nomad and Friends is an absolute treat for women who love to travel and connect with new people.

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

The one most important thing I can say about this book is "Read it!" As a fan of Barack Obama since reading his 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, I was thrilled to see his new book, The Audacity of Hope on the New York Times Bestseller list. _[The Audacity of Hope](http://www.amazon.com/Audacity-Hope-Thoughts-Reclaiming-American/dp/0307237702?ie=UTF8&tag=feminrevie-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0