Bleeding Chanel Necklace and Microphone Earrings

What do a straightedge vegetarian German jewelry maker and I have in common? Besides our love of a drug-free lifestyle and animal-free eating, we like the punk-rock aesthetic—and if I do say so myself, a delightful mix of the ideals.
PorcelinaZERO, an online boutique run by an exceptionally friendly woman named Tanja, is filled with cute charms, funky rings, brightly colored cameo necklaces, and hip earrings. As I type, lightweight miniature microphones dangle from my earlobes. My black Bleeding Chanel necklace awaits an awkward outing.
“Hey, I think something’s wrong with your not-so-designer necklace.”
“Actually, it was made a designer, and I think there’s something wrong with paying $300 for a wallet with a logo.”
In addition to selling directly through her own domain, shop owner Tanja maintains Etsy and Dawanda storefronts for increased exposure. Her prices can be converted to U.S. dollars, EURO, or GB Pound. All of her jewelry is handmade from Polymer clay, Hama beads, Shrinky Dinks, and assorted found items. She will happily make custom pieces and even sells DIY supplies through her various outlets.
If anyone asks, “Why is Chanel bleeding?” I encourage you to answer, “It’s just like the children’s hands in the sweatshops.” Human exploitation isn’t funny, so why the hell are they laughing uncomfortably at the truth around your neck?
A word about the shop name: Porcelina and Zero are references to songs from The Smashing Pumpkins’ Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. For old school fans like me, this was a no-brainer and made me nostalgic for the days when I walked around in that video-inspired black and silver t-shirt. These days, Zwan is an embarrassing memory. Even Tanja will admit that times were better when Billy, James, D’arcy, and Jimmy were together.
Never underestimate the power of music and alternative fashion to bring people together. Do your part to support like-minded women crafters.
Actually, Chanel products aren't made in sweatshops..
This could likely be argued 'fair use' since this necklace is clearly 'parody.'
I just wanted to point out that previous posts on this site discussed legalities of the product being reviewed.
Using the Chanel symbol is grounds for a lawsuit.
Just though that should be pointed out.
I don't care who made it first - it's awesome!!
it's not her design, it's actually by these two elitist teens called alex&chloe, the "bleeding" chanel isn't on their site anymore, but they did it first.