Easy on the Eyes

On the heels of her 2006 book release Flirting with Forty—which would become a Lifetime movie—Jane Porter shines in her latest novel Easy on the Eyes, which focuses on a woman fighting the ravages of time. Written with power and emotion, you will not only feel for but also fight with main character, TV entertainment show host Tiana Tomlinson, as she struggles to save her job, navigate her personal life, and all out survive in the fast-paced celebrity world were image is everything.
At thirty-eight, Tiana seems to have it all, but she’s just now coming out of the haze of her life. She is a woman who has always worked hard to get where she’s gotten, but it seems she’s gotten a little too comfortable in her position as host of America Tonight, one of the top entertainment news shows out there. She gets a reality check when her boss wants to make her one-woman show a two-woman gig, adding on fresh talent found in the bubbly twenty-eight-year-old Shelby.
While Tiana tries her hardest to find angles to save her job without doing exactly what her agent, boss, and other industry peers are pushing her to do (get "work" done on her aging face), fate seems to be playing a cruel game with her as she keeps being thrown together with Dr. Michael O’Sullivan (aka Dr. Hollywood), the devastatingly handsome plastic surgeon to the stars whom Tiana hates more for what he represents than who he really is.
I was very impressed by how Porter was able to delve into a world many of us hardly acknowledge and still keep true to her characters. While the scenes are written with powerful emotion and gripping realism, there is still a lightheartedness and romance as Michael and Tiana dance around just how much they may not actually hate each other. Easy on the Eyes is another Jane Porter highlight showing readers and, in this case, Hollywood just how tough women over the age of thirty can be.
sounds like a good read. so many hollyrude women look horrible with all the plastic surgery they get. thanks for the review!