Natural Contours' Superbe

Several years ago, when I first read that Candida Royalle was going to start making vibrators, I couldn’t wait to try one out for size. The price, however, kept me from making their acquaintance. With a list price now around $25, that problem has now been remedied, but a new one has taken its place. As with many a first time, I came away wishing it had been just a little bigger.
Five inches long with a curve in the middle, the Superbe couldn’t reach both ends of my girly parts at the same time. This could have been sorted out, if I hadn’t been distracted by that NOISE! The speed switch starts on high, then goes to medium and low. The expected buzzing was not excessive, but was accompanied by a loud rattling, as though the motor were loose inside the hard, plastic casing. I ended up having to do the deed under the covers, which was a visual buzz kill, and still noisy. The rattling also made me a little nervous about when the fire was going to start. This vibe is cute in an anime sort of way, and is definitely non-threatening to both new users and size conscious husbands. If you can get past the rattle, this could be a good choice for those looking for something petite.