Tom and Sally’s Body Paint

When it comes to sex, everyone wants a little something to spice up the night and make the bed sizzle. Whether its garter belts, handcuffs, or studded leather whips, there’s no such thing as a fantasy that can’t be fulfilled with some helpful accessories. The old saying, “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” may have been proven centuries ago by a naughty mistress who realized that if a lover can be satisfied with a hearty meal, imagine all the possibilities food can awaken on a quivering body. Today, there are countless ways to apply yummy desserts – such as oozing chocolate syrup, fluffy whip cream, or melting caramel – in the bedroom that are guaranteed to awaken taste buds and make anything taste more delicious.
Tom and Sally, who left their corporate jobs in Manhattan over eighteen years ago to make chocolates in Vermont, know the art of indulging appetites. The couple has been producing chocolate pasties, thongs, even French cocoa that can be lightly dusted on whatever tickles your fancy with a feather. Although their most famous product is chocolate body paint that’s heated and then applied with a thick brush, Tom and Sally also chose to go on a sweeter route with fruit flavored body paints that are mouthwatering and a surefire way to make any occasion satisfying.
Although the fruity body paints have minor flaws, they can easily be forgotten with all the delicious wonders they provide. The pack comes with strawberry, blueberry, lemon, and watermelon paints that all taste like freshly made, sugary, tropical snow cones on a hot summer day. Unlike the chocolate body paint, which may damage skin if heated too much, the fruit body paints only need some water to loosen its texture, as it is made with ingredients like high fructose syrup, real fruit juice, and milk powder. At first, it may seem as if you’re applying a messy watercolor that churns stomachs and stains sheets, but the luscious, candied flavor makes you lick with full force and cause your lover to pant from pleasure. Like a ripe fruit ready to be plucked, your partner will beg you to kiss, stroke, and suck all over, starting up your appetite and compelling you to eat.
While some may be turned off by the too-bright neon colors and watery mess, there’s no denying that Tom and Sally have another winner for hungry, sexy couples everywhere. Whether you’re ready to ignite some passion or want to channel your inner artist, Tom and Sally’s fruit body paints will transform consumers into erotic Picassos with an imagination that runs wild and can last for hours.