Elevate Difference

Reviews by Alicia Simoni

Alicia Simoni

Alicia Simoni works in the field of gender and peacebuilding documenting women’s unique perspectives on peace and conflict. She currently lives in Washington, D.C. and is the Editor and Community Manager at Peace X Peace, a global network of women peacebuilders. Alicia's writing includes the life stories of activists Zandile Nhlengetwa of South Africa and Bai Liza Llesis Saway of the Philippines. She has an M.A. in international peace studies from the University of Notre Dame. She writes regularly for Gender Across Borders and Human Rights Angle.

My Sisters Made of Light

When I attended the book signing for Jacqueline St. Joan’s novel My Sisters Made of Light, I knew nothing about the book aside from its inspiration: a chance encounter between St. Joan, an American domestic violence activist, and Aisha, a Pakistani activist. St. Joan was moved by a shared sense of purpose to write Aisha’s story—the story of a teacher who has orchestrated secret efforts to rescue women condemned to death for so-called honor crimes in Pakistan for the past twenty-five years.

Dear Sandy, Hello: Letters from Ted to Sandy Berrigan

With the post office on the verge of collapse and Facebook statuses eclipsing emails (which not so long ago eclipsed snail mail), I fret for the future of love letters. Decades from now, letters that would have been discovered in a forgotten old box will instead wither away into password-protected oblivion. We will no longer indulge our imagination in the real-life lust and longing of by-gone days, at least not in their raw, unadulterated letter form.